Loading technology
All-round service for loading technology and fire protection
Our loading technology stands for high-quality, durable and safe solutions for loading and unloading vehicles or containers. Individual planning, professional advice, certified production and professional installation are just as much a part of our product portfolio as reliable service and regular maintenance of the system. Benefit from our many years of expertise.
Levellers – Loading ramps

Repair and fault clearance
- 24/7 on-site service with fully equipped service vehicles
- Simultaneous repair of the associated sectional, roller or high-speed door
- Repair of individual components from all manufacturers using
- New original parts
- Refurbished original parts
- If original parts are no longer available, type-tested, compatible parts and conversion kits are used
- Use of certified specialist welders in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9606
Modernization of safety equipment
- Sensors as docking aids with visual and acoustic signaling
- Entry aids in front of the outer ramp: Secures the ramp apron against adjacent maneuvering trucks
- Bumpers for trucks: Prevents damage to the ramp and building
- Marking bumper: Prevents collision damage to the building and ramp
- Exterior loading lights: Enable safe approach in darkness, heavy rain and driving snow

Renewal of the control system
- Retrofitting of safety standards according to the current state of the art
- Truck wheel chocks with sensor: loading platform is only released on contact
Ramp technology
- Conversion from mechanical to hydraulic loading platforms
- Scissor lift platform for adjusting vehicle and hall level
- Conversion from folding wedge platform to feed platform
- External rain protection between truck and ramp
New constructions
- Installation of new loading equipment in accordance with current standards and the state of the art
Power-operated doors – Roller and sectional doors – High-speed doors – Sliding doors

Maintenance and DGUV inspection
- Maintenance and safety inspection of power-operated doors in accordance with the DGUV guidelines, considering the manufacturer’s specifications
- Checking the chain drive, rails, torsion springs, shaft, suspension cables and door panels
- Lubricate and oil all moving parts – retighten screws
- Checking all safety devices such as light barriers, safety edges, limit switches, etc.
- Preparation of a report on the maintenance measures carried out
- DGUV inspection with test report and sticker
Reduction of energy losses in heated or cooled halls
- Installation of insulated sectional and roller doors in all colors and sizes
- High-speed doors: used to secure halls and optimize traffic flow
Fire protection gates and doors incl. hold-open systems

Maintenance and DGUV inspection
- Maintenance and safety inspection* of fire protection gates and doors in accordance with DGUV guidelines ASR A1.7 DIBt, DIN 14677, taking into account the manufacturer’s specifications
- Inspection and maintenance of release mechanisms (smoke detectors, door openers, magnets and hold-open system)
- Inspection of door and door leaf, fittings, drives, controls, electrics, and drive mechanics
- Inspection of all safety devices: Limit switches, light barriers and safety edge
- Preparation of a report on the maintenance/DGUV inspection carried out and affixing of the inspection sticker
- Monitoring the annual inspection dates
- Advice and information on new standards and legal requirements
- Early detection of possible wear-related faults
- Relief from operator obligations through deadline monitoring
Smoke and heat extraction systems (NRA, MRA)

Maintenance and DGUV inspection
- Maintenance and safety inspection of your NRA, MRA and fire dampers in accordance with the DGUV guidelines, considering the manufacturer’s specifications
- Checking the manual control device and fire detection device as well as checking the function of the actuating and control elements
- Checking the pneumatic or electrical control system, replacing the system parts required for triggering (e.g. CO2 cartridges)
- Visual inspection of skylight domes, windows, or smoke extraction flaps for damage, inspection of ventilation systems and replacement of filters
- Preparation of a detailed report on the maintenance points carried out / DGUV inspection and affixing of the inspection sticker
- New installation of networked fire protection safety equipment, considering existing components
Scissor lift tables

Maintenance and DGUV inspection
- Maintenance and safety inspection of scissor lifts and work lift tables in accordance with the existing guidelines, considering the manufacturer’s specifications
- Inspection of all safety equipment
- Lubrication and adjustment work according to the manufacturer’s specifications
- Detailed maintenance and inspection report with condition analysis
- Attachment of the inspection sticker
- Monitoring of the annual inspection dates
- Advice and information on new standards and legal requirements
- Fast 24/7 on-site service
- Free quotation for repairs
Ladders and steps

Single ladders, extension ladders with/without rope pull, rolling ladders, storey ladders, touring ladders, 2/3-section multi-purpose ladders (with joint), stepladders with platform, double-sided stepladders, mobile stepladders, hall assembly ladders, height-adjustable stepladders, stair ladders
Expert inspection
- Legally compliant inspection of ladders and steps
- Preparation of the necessary risk assessments in accordance with BetrSichV
- Determination of inspection intervals for ladders and steps
- Preparation of test documents
- Preparation of an inspection report with documentation of defects
- Preparation of operating instructions (BA)
- Applying the test seal
Safety of shelves

Pallet racks, cantilever racks, shelving racks, heavy-duty racks, carousels, mobile racking systems, power-operated mobile pallet and shelving racks, file racks, long goods racks, drive-in racks, drive-through racks, high-bay racks, racking systems in cold stores
Expert inspection
- Visual inspection in accordance with DIN 15635
- Tilt safety and stability test
- Inspection of the manufacturer’s specifications for the operation and construction of the racking systems
- Marking of the defects found
- Test report for the assessment of defects and damage
- Measures to rectify the damage and defects
- Preparation of operating instructions (BA)
- Application of the test seal
- Determination of the inspection intervals